The Beginning

Welcome to the first post of At the Corner of Firsts and Lasts! At the time of this publishing it is December, and the words written below were penned three months prior. It is a poem about a senior on his or her way to the first day of senior year of high school. I understand that poetry may not be your “thing,” but take time to think about your own crossroads and the milestones you have passed.

A lot happens senior year, so it does not surprise me that it took this long to launch At the Corner of Firsts and Lasts. However, I cannot wait for you to follow along with me in my second semester! I have so many exciting posts already lined up for you, but first I want to take you to The Beginning.


At the Corner of Firsts and Lasts

I passed many streets on my way to my new corner bus stop.

The young families of K through 3rd streets,

The new elementary students of 4th through 6th streets heading to their bright yellow buses,

Parents giving one last look at their “big girl” or “big boy,”

All ready, set, go! for the next 9 months.


The streets of 7th through 9th were more rushed with activity.

The young teens trying to look their best,

Some by glitter and bright colors,

Some by their favorite hoodies boasting phrases of personality.

I smiled as they rushed for their buses.


Between 10th and 11th there could be heard stray alarms,

Teens of all shapes, sizes, and styles filled the sidewalks.

Many were already snapping their way through the groans of the first day blues,

Others threw arms around their old friends they hadn’t seen all summer.

But I didn’t stay long; something caught my eye:


The Corner of Firsts and Lasts.


It was not that much different from the other streets,

But the teenagers who stood around this stop seemed a bit out of sorts.

Most were anxious.

Friend, I must inform you that this was where I found my stop

On the way of School Lane.


For these were not just any anxious teenagers,

They were the seniors.

They respect their title they’ve waited to have,

And they stand all shuffled together,

As if they’re waiting for someone to tell them what to do next.


It was our Last First Day of School.

It was our Last time finding a new locker.

It was our Last time having an opening class meeting.

It was our Last time being a student at the Big Rival Game on Friday.




It was our First time being in the front of the auditorium.

It was our First time being the oldest.

It was our First time shouting our new unified identity.

Senior. Senior.



Throughout the course of the next 9 months we would continually meet at this corner.

Last Spirit Week; First Spirit Stick;

First Homecoming Queen of our class; Last Homecoming Dance;

Last Game; First Senior song circle; Last Curtain Call;

First Senior Night; Last Team Meeting; First time trying that one thing you never got to do.

All at the Corner of First and Lasts streets.



Pictured above: Hamilton, New York; my own photo.

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