December 2017: A Month in Review

December. Wow, you were fantastic! Full of nostalgia and holiday traditions, I cannot believe you’re almost gone… I found myself humming Christmas carols all the way through this month and eating my fair share of plates and plates of food at family reunions and parties. I loved all the laughter and enjoyed soaking in the joy of friends and family. Below, are some of my favorite highlights of December.

My December holidays kicked off right away with our family’s annual cookie bake!! The grand total was 1, 166 beautiful cookies! I guarantee you it was delicious time!


I spent the first weekend of December visiting Gordon College over their Christmas at Gordon weekend. Nothing like New England charm to get you in the holiday spirit! Pictured is the chapel lit with snowflakes and a gigantic tree!


The next weekend we were launched into Winter Wonderland! It was a beautiful light covering of snow! 🙂 My family and I watched White Christmas–undeniably the best Christmas movie of all time–while it snowed.


I try every season to spice up my grandmother’s hallway chalkboard. This time I played with colored chalk and added all of the curls and holiday embellishments I could!


I had to include this photo! I just adore these snapshots with my youngest sister! 🙂


Christmas weekend was an absolute joy to celebrate Jesus’ birth and the simple peace of family. …..Annnnd also the perfect time to twin with your twin 😉




For a high school senior, this is my last December the way I’ve always known it to be. This month that meant my last holiday concert, my last time being around the whole month for family gatherings, and my last holiday talent show at my school. At the Corner of Firsts and Lasts, I want to acknowledge the change that is coming by celebrating and recording the “last times,” but still looking forward to next years firsts. I pray and hope that this December you found abounding peace and JOY!



P.S. This is the first post of a series of monthly recaps on the blog! Every last Tuesday of every month will feature A Month in Review.

P.P.S. Anyone else LOVE pictures of Christmas trees with blurred lights?? Just me? That’s okay, too. 🙂

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