The Twin Life

One of the most common questions I am asked after someone discovers I’m a twin is: “What is it like to be a twin?” (For the twins reading along, I hope you find something to relate to!) I often respond, “What is it like NOT to have a twin?”


The funny thing about a twin is that they are with you from birth. 😉 A twin doesn’t know any different. My twin was there when we ate first birthday smash-cakes. She was there when we started to play with dolls and puzzles and read endless piles of books. She was there on the other side of my dad when he read from the large volume of “The Chronicles of Narnia” we owned. She was there when we walked up the steps to preschool and onto the bus for kindergarten. She was there when we tested our strength on the monkey bars.


She was there when we moved to a new school. She was there every morning on our way to school. She was there at every dentist or doctor appointment. She was there at every holiday celebration and tried to beat me blowing out the candles on our birthday. She usually succeeded. She was there for our ten years of summer camp sleeping under the stars and worshiping with acoustic guitars. She was there when the trials of middle school rolled around. She was there for every show that I performed in. She was there when we walked with wide eyes around our new high school. She was there when we spent a month in Germany beginning our love for travel and adventure.


She is there when we brush our teeth before bed. She is there when we listen to the “Sousalarm” on classical radio at 7:15 AM. She is there in the next room over when I pull some late nights writing essays. She is there when I need her hug and her laugh. She is there when I tell her some crazy idea I have and there to say okay, you can do it. She is there.


And she’ll be there at our final bow, the last banquet, and as we walk across the stage at graduation. She has been there for almost every first and last.

This is obviously not a comprehensive list, but it shows the little and big moments that twins share. Mundane activities such as doctor appointments or drives to school are woven together with her.

Why does this list matter to someone who is not a twin? I’m not saying you have to adopt your best friend to be your twin! Instead, I’m encouraging you to please remember the people that love you and how they inspire you. Be aware of their needs and don’t be afraid to be a part of someone else’s life. The twin life is life with a sidekick for Hayley and me. Hayley has taught me one of the deepest forms of love that everyone needs: friendship.


Give a shout-out to a friend that inspires you in the comments! And be sure to say “hi” if you’re a twin!




Featured image courtesy of Stefanie Sweger Photografie

4 thoughts on “The Twin Life”

  1. Hi! So cool reading about all your togetherness! Wish I would have loved and appreciated my twin like this when we were younger…but we saw each other in a new light when we went off to separate colleges. It’s really special to have a twin.


  2. One detail you likely don’t remember that I vividly do. It’s handy for the babysitter when you have a twin also. One time, when you girls were under two, just starting to talk, you asked me for a tissue. I didn’t understand the word, but Hayley sure did. She rolled her eyes at me (as only a one-year-old can) and went over to get the tissue box! It’s such a blessing to watch you two grow up, even if from afar.


  3. I am a twin and came across this today after writing a blog about twin birthdays! Loved your beautiful post! I have a twin sister and so many of your comments were identical to our experience. Thanks for sharing!


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