Capable of Amazing Things

You are capable of amazing things. Students, especially seniors, are asked what they want to be when they grow up… where are you going to college? What will be your major? Where would you like to work someday? There are endless questions!

Though these questions are often asked out of curiosity and kindness, I often am overwhelmed with them because I do not have the answers or the answers people want to hear. When the feeling of “oh no, what am I going to do with my life?!” becomes my focus, I know that I have to remember the bigger picture.

I am capable.



YOU, dear reader, are capable of AMAZING things. No, you probably do not know all of  those “things,” but you are still capable. When the unknown seems to drown you, speak truth to yourself. You know what your passions, interests, and inspirations are, so dive deeper into them!

I began hand-lettering almost 3 years ago. I had no idea what I was doing. Now, I might tell you that I still do not know what I am doing, BUT I do know that the art of writing words for others has allowed me to spread so much kindness and encouragement.

Writing THIS BLOG, At the Corner of Firsts and Lasts, is a crazy thing I was not sure I was capable of starting. Here we are though, and I have loved every moment of the first month!



Soooooo… think about what you are capable of doing. Where are you drawing life from for the amazing things you are doing? Amaze me in the comments, please. 🙂

I encourage you to continue pursuing truth when the “oh no!” waters seem too high. You are capable AND amazing.





All photos courtesy of Elisabeth Kreider. Lettering by Ellen Hope, yours truly.

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