It is not about Avocado Toast.

I’ve clearly been absent from At the Corner of Firsts and Lasts while I experience the MANY “firsts” that the first year of college brings. I stepped away from this outlet because I felt I couldn’t produce the kind of content I wanted for readers.

I sought to achieve everything I could in one year. And I did. I really did many amazing things in one year of college. It’s been one of the biggest seasons of firsts. With all the knowledge and new ideas I have now from this new place, I shouldn’t bottle that up in posts about kombucha and green smoothies. My blog was designed to share experiences in the hopes that they would encourage you. Everything that I have posted previously was made with that intention, however, my road-block this school year came when I focused on the content that I saw other blogs had: fashion, routines, recipes, and travel experiences… I didn’t have those kinds of things to share, so what value would my writing have?

Start writing on the blog again. Clearly, I heard the Lord say in the midst of questions about future plans, deciding my major, and course scheduling. I never thought this would be the first step to faithfully pursuing God’s calling. Ever. I thought I needed to write about pancakes and avocados in order to make posts worthy of contributing. As much as I love those two foods (can you have pancakes with avocados?) and blogging about whatever I think is creative and fun, I’m reviving the blog into what matters most. When you’re at the Corner of Firsts and Lasts, you have to move forward with what matter most. I found that I had left my passion and joy for writing behind me.

In Matthew 17:27, Jesus tells Peter to “go to the lake and throw out your line,” catch a fish, and find a four-drachma coin to pay for the temple tax. Pondering the phrase “throw out your line,” I realized Jesus was asking Peter to use his skills to bring about a small miracle. Peter was a fisherman and could easily bring in a fish. In a crazy, beautiful way, God is asking me to use my love for writing to bring about a small act of faithfulness in blogging again.

Perhaps my content will not be the most marketable or offer the highest level aesthetic, but I’m offering the opportunity to see the Lord work through His promises. Yes, jumbled with posts of reflection will be summer salads and garden photoshoots, but it isn’t about avocado toast. It’s about the miracles brought about in simple acts of faithfulness. 

What is God calling you to faithfully pursue?




Photo on iPhone.

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