Spark Joy: Books and Paper

Day 2 of my Marie Kondo experience!! Yesterday I shared my tips on category one: Clothing here. Today I’m sharing categories 2+3.

If you know anything about my father, you would not be in the least surprised that all of his daughters have their own miniature library. My books are from every stage of my life. Each Christmas growing up I asked for books, and I typically concluded Christmas cuddled in a blanket and a new book. Since going to college, I stopped reading fiction! I didn’t even remember books could have larger print because I’ve only been ready textbooks!


Tip #1: I had pop-up books, AP Calc Practice, classic literature, and YA fiction. A solid pile of hand-lettering books, a collection of vintage classics, my Harry Potter set, and Christian thought books each had precarious stacks. It’s okay to keep things you love and that spark joy! I’m not actually downsizing for necessity, I’m simplifying my space. I  love having full shelves of books. I simply needed to make sure the shelves were full of books that I enjoy and would like to read (again).


Tip #2: (At least for me) Do not sort books or paper beforehand. For me, it was important that I see everything all together. Sometimes I was confident I could determine if something “sparked joy” or not. I needed to gather first and not be stuck on so many little collections of paper.


My “super-joy” pile for books: Think Happy, Be Happy encouragement book, journaling NIV Bible, Deeply Rooted magazine, Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch (IVP), Walking on Water by Madeleine L’Engle, From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, The Complete Book of Chalk Lettering by Valerie McKeehan. You know it’s a super-joy pile when you want to gush and gush about how these books have encouraged or changed my life.

Those are notes from high school, haha! 🙂

Tip #3: Paper was hard. And never-ending. I don’t know if you all have the problems I have with paper… but WOW. Every time I opened another drawer or box there was more PAPER. Pictures do not count with paper; save those for “sentimental” category. And just don’t touch sentimental. I had to move away from sentimental paper including cards and theater programs. My 3rd grade science notebook pictured below, however, was no longer sentimental 😉


Same with this cringe worthy 6th grade notebook!!


Tip #4: With paper, I realized I don’t consider how advertisements, church bulletins, and reminders might pile up. And let me say, it PILES UP. Let’s consider if we actually want/need the paper item before we take it. Can we look the information up online? Can we take a picture of the handout without taking it with us, only to be lost in a bag somewhere? Can we take pictures of children’s artwork without keeping every piece? Is there another way to approach our desire to have paper!? Any little act goes a long way to reduce the paper piles. Any tips to leave in comments?

These are tips, not rules. I’ve already “broken” some of them anyways! I want this process to be infused with GRACE. I’m letting go of items that have (or not, honestly) served their purpose. Some things are hard for me to part with. Some things I realize were insignificant to hold onto in the first place. I’m not discouraged. I’ve gone through many firsts this academic year, and now I can look back and let go. It’s clearing space for what matters most.



2 thoughts on “Spark Joy: Books and Paper”

  1. My kids LOVE paper so I need all the tips I can get! I find myself throwing out way more than I ever thought I would! Ha!

    We used to make our own paper from paper scraps so that could be fun to start again but ours was kind of texture-y and tricky to use for certain things.


  2. Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch (IVP). Few have this excellent resource on their “super-joy” pile for books. Truly a confirmation of next steps in Biblical studies. Keep pressing on in the upward hope of Christ Jesus. To God be the glory!


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