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I’m Ellen Hope, and I am so glad you stopped by to say Hello! I am newly married to my high school sweetheart and a recent college grad with a degree in Biblical Studies and Theology. I am passionate about communicating truth, bible literacy, and working collaboratively. Just a few things about me: I am an optimistic sister to 3 (including a twin!) with a classy, minimalist style. I am in love with Jesus, bible dictionaries, and ALL things design; an INFJ that can be commonly found in coffee shops or my second home, the theatre.

The blog you are exploring began my senior year of high school. I wanted to try something new that could encourage other people… so I started blogging! At the Corner of Firsts and Lasts is a nod to my first post where I shared my symbolic poem of senior year for high schoolers.

You’ll find a variety of categories covered on the blog because I have such a variety of interests! I hope you find something you’re interested in and can follow along with it as I continue to create and write.

Our lovely collaborators!

Elisabeth (Kreider) Jones: Featured Photographer


Why hello there! I’m Beth, an adoring and blessed friend of Ellen’s. I couldn’t be more honored to play a part in this beauty of a blog and I cannot wait to share the things that bring me joy with you! I am a passionate lover of Jesus, sunshine AND rainy days, worship music, photography, car ride karaoke, blush pink, musical performance, and dance. I’m known to sing pretty much every-other minute of the day and to dance through grocery stores, grandma’s house, and shopping malls (really anywhere I can embarrass my companions). Hopefully, this blog blesses your heart as much as spending time with Ellen has blessed mine! 🙂

AINSLEY: Guest Post

Hello! I’m Ainsley, a classmate and friend of Ellen’s. I love Zentangling, wearing fluffy sweaters, curling up in a blanket with a book, foggy mornings, gentle rain, writing extremely angsty poetry, hiking in the mountains, playing the piano, kayaking on the river, listening to the silence that comes with midnight snow, and looking at stars through tree branches on clear nights. Chances are, if you go looking for me, I can be found lost in my thoughts or mothering my orchid plants. I dream of traveling the world, living abroad, and studying physics and astronomy. I hope my art will inspire someone to live boldly.

ELLA: Guest Post

Photo Courtesy of Cheyenne Livelsberger

Hi! I’m Ella, a high school classmate of Ellen’s, as well as an admirer of her amazing creativity. I love 90’s sitcoms, dry humor, YA fantasy novels, long car rides with the sunroof down and the music blaring, and any hair products I can get my hands on. I love telling stories to absolutely anyone who will listen and am always trying to make people laugh. I hope that other people use my writing to love their hair, themselves, and more!

LAUREN: Guest Post


I am a lover of nature, kittens, and the color yellow. I was born and raised in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and am continuing my education in Salem, Oregon. I am a huge daydreamer and achiever, but I have had many downfalls. This past year, I struggled with dangerous depression and stress, and I have grown so much since then! My goal in life is to try to help everybody and anybody that I can to give a helping hand into a happier life (because who wouldn’t want to live in a world where cookie dough ice cream and brownies are a thing?).

HANNAH: Guest Photographer

Photos from Still Waters courtesy of Hannah Reinhard.

“Firsts and Lasts” logo by HannarchyStudios.